Wednesday 26 June 2013

Arctic Cooling New CPU amp; GPU Coolers

Swiss cooler manufacturer ARCTIC COOLING launches new series of Graphic cardcoolers named Accelero (X1 for NVDIA 6800/ 7800 Series and X2 for ATI X1800/X1900 Series). Vibrations caused by the rotating fan are absorbed by a patentedvibration muffler. Complex airflow simulations were conducted during developmentof the fan, the results were incredible cooling performance at extremely lownoise levels as a result of to 6 heatpipes. ARCTIC COOLING offers for thisseries a 6 year limited warranty. Both models will be available by end ofFebruary 2006. The MSRP is each only USD 33.

Thursday 13 June 2013

ATI Partners Unveiling 1GHz Radeon HD 4890 Cards

It seems that more ATI AIB partners are jumping onto the fastest card bandwagon by bringing outtheir 1GHz+ clocked HD 4890 to the market with their own special designed cooler and PCB.

Recently, Sapphire announced their ATOMIC Edition using Vapor-X Vapor Chamber Cooling technology that allows their card to clock at 1GHz core and 1050MHz for the memories.Sapphire mentioned that they will bereleasing more models for HD 4890 in the coming weeks.

Today, TUL just announced the PowerColor PCS++ HD4890 card that is clocked at 1010MHz core and 1100MHz memory which is slightly higher than the Sapphire's solution. Am i seeing a MHz race here?It is using the same ZEROtherm cooling system like the previous PCS HD4890 series.

Any lastly, soon to be announced Cyclone R4890 card from MSI that will be clocked above 1GHz too.

I am sure more AIB partner will be unveiling their 1GHz+ HD4890 cards soon.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Asus M4A79T Deluxe Now in Japan

Asus's M4A79T Deluxe is now available in various shops of Akiba Japan. Coupled by AMD 790FX + SB750 chipset, this board is a ATX board that supports AM3 socket.

Akiba Kakaku mentioned that overclocking is also said to be strong point of the SB750 chipset and powerful circuitry to enable a stable power supply circuit using 8 +2 phase.

In addition, the cooling mechanism, and between the copper heat pipe chipset to + VRM and heat sink structure contributes to the enhancement of cooling capacity.

A short breakdown of the specifications -

Chipsets: AMD 790FX + SB750

CPU: Phenom II X4, X3 / Athlon X2 (AM3 Only)

FSB: Up to 5200MT/s

Expansion slots: PCI Express x16 × 4 (dual x16, triple x16/x16/x8, quad x8 link), PCI × 2,

Onboard Components: Gigabit LAN, 8ch sound, SATA × 5 (RAID support), eSATA, IDE, IEEE1394, USB 2.0

Memory: DDR3 1600 (OC) / 1333/1066 slots with 4 slots (up to 16GB)

Retail price is at 22,980 yen (price varies slightly at some shops) (~$370)

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Apple releases OS X 10.6.3 update

Apple has released its third point-update, 10.6.3 for the Snow Leopard operating system, which has been touted to fix a huge variety of issues with the OS that early-adopters have had to deal with since the OS's release.

Most of the problems that are supposedly patched in the 10.6.3 release are system related, like compatibility issues, better Airport reliability, fixes for the Mail application and Time Machine improvements.

However, looking through the entire list of fixes reveals something rather interesting: the update does not seem to provide any security patches for the operating system, is which a little puzzling considering that the Pwn2Own hacking competition had just ended and companies like Microsoft are pushing out unscheduled security fixes.

The Combo Update which is downloadable from Apple's website here comes in an impressive package of 784mb, but those who use OS X's built-in Software Update might not have to deal with such a large file download as the combo update also bundles in previous updates as well.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Kaminfeuer Neuer Bildschirmschoner als Gratis-Download

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Kaminfeuer schaffen Sie eine behagliche Atmosphre in Ihrem Zuhause.

Um sich die behagliche Stimmung eines Kamins ins Haus zu holen, ist kein Kauf und Einbau notwendig. Laden Sie sich einfach den Bildschirmschoner Kaminfeuer bei COMPUTER BILD herunter und genieen Sie die Atmosphre; auf Wunsch sogar mit knacksenden Holzscheiten. Die berarbeitete Version lsst sich auch unter Windows 8 problemlos ausfhren.

Download: Gratis-Programm Kaminfeuer herunterladen

Neue Version
Der Hersteller des beliebten Bildschirmschoners setzt bei der neuen Version auf ein modernes und zeitgemes Design. Sie versehen das Feuer mit verschiedenen Farbstichen: Rot, Gelb oder Orange. Zudem ist ein Kaminsims aus der Nhe zu sehen und mittels Bewegung der Maus oder durch Drcken der Pfeiltasten verndert sich der Blickwinkel und lsst einen 3D-Effekt entstehen.

Die 50 beliebtesten Bildschirmschoner50 Bilder
Bild vergrern

Platz 50: 3D Solar System Screensaver

Der Bildschirmschoner 3D Solar System steht im Zeichen unseres Sonnensystems. Die interstellaren Trabanten von Merkur bis Pluto sind vertreten. Auf Wunsch fhrt Sie die Kamera direkt zum Planeten Ihrer Wahl.

Download: Programm 3D Solar System herunterladen

Platz 49: Meerwasser-Aquarium 3D

Im Bildschirmschoner Meerwasser-Aquarium 3D tummeln sich Salzwasserfische in einem Korallenriff. Fr Abwechslung sorgen Lichteffekte und vier unterschiedlich gestaltete Aquarien, die Sie zufllig oder gezielt whlen.

Download: Programm Meerwasser-Aquarium 3D herunterladen

Platz 48: Balloon Clock ScreenSaver

Der Balloon Clock ScreenSaver erfreut Ihr Auge mit einem riesigen Ballon, der durch die Wolken tanzt. Darin ist eine Uhr zu sehen, die Ihnen zeigt, wann endlich Feierabend ist.

Download: Gratis-Programm Balloon Clock ScreenSaver herunterladen

Platz 47: Moppi Flower Saver

Der Bildschirmschoner Moppi Flower Saver zaubert Blumen auf den Bildschirm, die zur Musik tanzen. Die Grafik ist anspruchsvoll und bentigt eine OpenGL-fhige Grafikkarte.

Download: Programm Moppi Flower Saver herunterladen

Platz 46: SciTech Screensaver

Halten Sie Kontakt zur europischen Raumfahrt-Behrde ESA: Der SciTech Screensaver liefert Nachrichten zum Thema Raumfahrt und informiert ber wichtige Missionen.

Download: Gratis-Programm SciTech Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 45: 3D Arctic Bear Advanced

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner 3D Arctic Bear Advanced landet ein besonders cooler Eisbr auf Ihrem Monitor. Der hngt in Ihren Arbeitspausen auf seiner Eisscholle rum, geniet Musik (die Sie auch mithren knnen), tanzt und trinkt. Was fr ein Leben!

Download: Programm 3D Arctic Bear Advanced herunterladen

Platz 44: Dropclock

Grafisch genial: Der Bildschirmschoner Dropclock zeigt die aktuelle Uhrzeit an, wobei die Ziffern in Zeitlupe ins Wasser gleiten. Treffen Sie auf die Oberflche, entstehen beim Eintauchen tuschend echte Wasserspritzer und Wassertropfen.

Download: Programm Dropclock herunterladen

Platz 43: 3D Terrain Flight Screensaver

Dieser Bildschirmschoner startet eines von sechs Kampfflugzeugen, das ber eine vom Computer erzeugte Landschaft fliegt. Wahlweise prsentiert sich das Programm im Vollbildmodus oder in einer Fernrohr-Perspektive.

Download: Gratis-Programm3D Terrain Flight Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 42: Moorhuhn Bildschirmschoner

Der Moorhuhn Bildschirmschoner ist der Hit fr Freunde des Ballerspiel-Klassikers. Das Federvieh fliegt ber einen schwarzen Hintergrund. Fr Abwechslung sorgen Aktionen und Verkleidungen der Flattermnner.

Hinweis: Der Download ist nicht mehr verfgbar.

Platz 41: Sun Clock

Mit Sun Clock holen Sie sich eine Weltkarte direkt auf Ihren PC. Neben dem Datum und der Uhrzeit zeigt Ihnen die Software ebenfalls Informationen wie den Lngen- und Breitengrad eines Ortes an. Auch die aktuellen Positionen von Sonne und Mond sind sichtbar. ber das Einstellungsmen ndern Sie zudem die Bezeichnungen der Karte und whlen Sun Clock als Bildschirmschoner aus.

Download: Programm Sun Clock herunterladen

Platz 40: Deflexion Screensaver

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Deflexion knnen Sie Ihre eigenen Bilder auf ganz neue Weise betrachten. Denn das Programm verfremdet die Fotos auf spektakulre Art und Weise, verwirbelt sie, sodass hnliche Fraktal-Gebilde wie die berhmten Apfelmnnchen der Mandelbrot-Menge entstehen.

Download: Programm Deflexion herunterladen

Platz 39: Cyber Fire 3D Screensaver

Der Cyber Fire 3D Screensaver entfacht ein dreidimensionales Feuer auf Ihrem Bildschirm. Es ist eingeschlossen in einem kleinen Ball, den vier Stangen halten.

Download: Gratis-Programm Cyber Fire 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 38: Briblo Screensaver

Das Programm Briblo Screensaver bringt Lego-Steine auf Ihren Bildschirm und baut per Zufallsprinzip bunte Trme; mit der Tastatur beeinflussen Sie die Angelegenheit.

Download: Gratis-Programm Briblo Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 37: Green Fields 3D Screensaver

Bei Green Fields 3D schweben Sie durch eine dreidimensionale Graslandschaft. Auf Wunsch luft Musik, die Fluggeschwindigkeit ist variabel.

Download: Programm Green Fields 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 36: Phantastic Screensaver

Ein Bildschirmschoner-Paket, bei dem Sie aus acht Schoner-Typen whlen. Jedes Modul hat eigene Einstellungsmglichkeiten. Die Themen reichen vom komplexen geometrischen Gebilde (Fraktal) bis zur Regen-Simulation.

Download: Programm Phantastic Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 35: Ancient Clock Screensaver

Der Ancient Clock Screensaver fr das Betriebssystem Windows ist gleichzeitig eine Analog-Uhr. Die Oberflche orientiert sich am alten gypten mit Sphinx und Pyramiden.

Download: Programm Ancient Clock Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 34: 3D Spooky Halloween Screensaver

Halloween auf Ihrem Computer: Vor einem Spukhaus tummeln sich Gespenster im Mondlicht und Fledermuse ziehen ihre Runden. Gruselige Musik untermalt die Szenerie.

Download: Programm 3D Spooky Halloween Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 33: Lava Lamp Screensaver

Der Lava Lamp Screensaver stellt die Nachbildung einer Lava-Lampe auf Ihrem Bildschirm dar: Sie blubbert in mystischem Blau.

Download: Programm Lava Lamp Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 32: Holding Pattern Coach Class Screensaver (Mac)

Der Holding Pattern Coach Class Screensaver verwandelt Ihren Mac-Monitor in ein Flugzeug-Fenster und bietet den Blick auf unendliche Weiten am Himmel. Bei jedem Start gibt es eine andere Ansicht.

Download: Gratis-Programm Holding Pattern Coach Class Screensaver (Mac) herunterladen

Platz 31: Atomic Clock Screensaver

Der Bildschirmschoner Atomic Clock Screensaver zeigt eine Atom-Uhr, die auch Ihre Computer-Uhr automatisch auf die richtige Zeit einstellt. So sparen Sie sich das Umstellen von Hand.

Download: Gratis-Programm Atomic Clock Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 30: Aqua Real 2

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Aqua Real 2 entstehen Unterwasserwelten. Elemente wie Fische, Korallen, Sand und Luftblasen bauen Sie fotorealistisch in das virtuelle Aquarium ein. Auf Wunsch entspannen Sie sich in Ihren Arbeitspausen zustzlich durch passende Hintergrundmusik.

Download: Programm Aqua Real 2 herunterladen

Platz 29: Bus Stop 3

Der interaktive Bildschirmschoner Bus Stop 3 zeigt das Leben an einer Bus-Haltestelle. Dabei wird die Tages- und Nachtzeit ebenso bercksichtigt wie die Jahreszeit. Ein Terminkalender weist auf bevorstehende Geburtstage hin.

Download: Programm Bus Stop 3 herunterladen

Platz 28: Aquarium Desktop 3D

Holen Sie sich die faszinierende Unterwasserwelt auf den PC: Der Bildschirmschoner Aquarium Desktop 3D bringt Pinzettenfische, Clownfische und viele andere Meeresbewohner in Ihren Arbeitspausen auf den Monitor. Auf Wunsch mit Uhrzeit, sanfter Hintergrundmusik, dem Rauschen der Aquariumspumpe oder den Fenstern der geffneten Programme als Hintergrund.

Download: Gratis-Programm Aquarium Desktop 3D herunterladen

Platz 27: Drempels

Drempels zaubert geniale Tornado-Effekte auf den Desktop. Das kostenlose Programm ersetzt das statische Windows-Hintergrundbild durch bunte, wirbelnde Muster. Diese Videos, die auf der Windows-Arbeitsoberflche abgespielt werden, ziehen Sie mit ihrer Sogwirkung garantiert in ihren Bann. Sie knnen Drempels auch als Bildschirmschoner starten, was genauso faszinierend ist.

Download: Gratis-Programm Drempels herunterladen

Platz 26: Astro-Psycho-Logisch

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Astro-Psycho-Logisch gehen Sie auf eine 3D-Reise durch das Universum. Dabei entdecken Sie sowohl Planeten als auch Sternzeichen. Whrend der Erkundungstour hren Sie auf Wunsch Musik. Auch Freunde von Horoskopen und Astrologie kommen bei dem Screensaver nicht zu kurz.

Download: Gratis-Programm Astro-Psycho-Logisch herunterladen

Platz 25: Planet Erde 3D Bildschirmschoner

Der Planet Erde 3D Bildschirmschoner zeigt ein rumlich wirkendes Modell der Erde. Auf dem drehenden Globus erkennen Sie Gebirge, Wsten, Seen.

Download: Planet Erde 3D Bildschirmschoner herunterladen

Platz 24: 3D Fireworks Screensaver

Der 3D Fireworks Screensaver brennt ein nchtliches Gro-Feuerwerk ber der Skyline einer US-Grostadt ab. Weihnachtsgre sind zu- oder abschaltbar.

Download: Programm 3D Fireworks Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 23: Clock Screen Saver

Der Bildschirmschoner Clock Screen Saver zeigt in den Arbeitspausen die Uhrzeit auf dem Monitor an sekundengenau und mit Datum. Bei der Darstellung der Zeit haben Sie die Wahl zwischen analoger und digitaler Uhr.

Download: Gratis-Programm Clock Screen Saver herunterladen

Platz 22: Actual Earth 3D

Der Bildschirmschoner Actual Earth 3D zeigt ein detailreiches Modell der Erde. Sie finden Angaben zu Zeit und Datum, Koordinaten Ihrer Position und Informationen zum Mond- und Sonnenaufgang.

Download: Gratis-Programm Actual Earth 3D herunterladen

Platz 21: 2000th HellFire Screensaver

Beim 2000th HellFire Screensaver fllt Ihre Benutzeroberflche Flammen zum Opfer optisch. Das Ganze sieht spektakulr aus und hrt sich entsprechend an.

Download: Programm 2000th HellFire Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 20: The One Ring 3D Screensaver

The One Ring 3D Screensaver fr Windows hat den Romanzyklus Der Herr der Ringe zum Thema. Der mit Licht- und Spiegeleffekten ausgestattete Ring der Macht bewegt sich ber die Landkarte von Tolkiens Mittelerde.

Download: Gratis-Programm The One Ring 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 19: Another World Screensaver

Fantasievolle Landschaftsaufnahmen fiktiver Planeten sind die Motive des Another World Screensaver. Die Entwickler haben besonderes Augenmerk auf Szenarien mit Wasser gelegt.

Download: Gratis-Programm Another World Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 18: SeaStorm 3D Screensaver

Der SeaStorm 3D Screensaver beschwrt eine Wasserhose herauf in der Realitt ein seltenes Phnomen, am PC zum Glck ungefhrlich.

Download: Programm SeaStorm 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 17: Space Travel Screensaver

Erleben Sie eine spektakulre Reise von der Erde zum Saturn. Im Vorbeiflug an Mond und Mars hren Sie im Hintergrund den originalen Funkverkehr ehemaliger Astronauten. Besonders mit einer modernen Grafikkarte ist der Space Travel-Bildschirmschoner fr Weltraumfans ein echtes Vergngen.

Download: Gratis-Programm Space Travel Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 16: Dolphin Dreams Screensaver

Auf dem dreidimensionalen Dolphin Dreams Screensaver tummeln sich bis zu zwlf Delfine, die ihre Kunststcke ber und unter Wasser zeigen. Eine entsprechende Geruschkulisse untermalt das Ganze.

Download: Programm Dolphin Dreams Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 15: Shark Water World 3D Screensaver

Im Shark Water World 3D Screensaver drehen Haie in einer Unterwasserkulisse, die aus einem gesunkenen Piratenschiff und verstreut herumliegenden Schtzen besteht, ihre Runden.

Download: Programm Shark Water World 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 14:

Was passiert in der Welt? Der kostenlose prsentiert die aktuellen Nachrichten aus den Bereichen Politik, Sport, Lifestyle, Auto und Entertainment auf Ihrem Desktop.

Download: Gratis-Programm herunterladen

Platz 13: Johnny Castaway Screensaver

Johnny Castaway hat sich als Schiffbrchiger auf eine kleine Insel gerettet. Erleben Sie mit diesem Gratis-Bildschirmschoner, wie Johnny den Tag verbringt und was er alles anstellt, um sich fit zu halten und gerettet zu werden.

Download: Gratis-Programm Johnny Castaway Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 12: Pixelbreaker PolarClock

Der kostenlose Bildschirmschoner Pixelbreaker PolarClock macht Ihren Monitor zur schicken Designer-Uhr, wenn der Computer eine Pause einlegt. Die bunte Uhr zeigt Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute und Sekunde in farbigen Kreisverlufen auf dem Bildschirm an je weiter fortgeschritten die Zeit, desto voller der jeweilige Kreis.

Download: Gratis-Programm Pixelbreaker PolarClock herunterladen

Platz 11: WELT ONLINE-Bildschirmschoner

Lesen Sie in Ihren Arbeitspausen die neuesten Nachrichten aus der WELT-Redaktion.

Download: Gratis-Programm WELT ONLINE-Bildschirmschoner herunterladen

Platz 10: Oldtimer 3D

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Oldtimer 3D machen Sie einen Ausflug in die Vergangenheit: Sie fahren ber eine kurvige Landstrae und genieen das sommerliche Bergpanorama. Das Fahrzeug aus den 30er-Jahren besticht durch klassische Formen, runde Scheinwerfer, Speichenrder und das passende Motorengerusch.

Download: Gratis-Programm Oldtimer 3D herunterladen

Platz 9: Matrix Code Emulator

Der Matrix Code Emulator-Bildschirmschoner imitiert den aus dem Spielfilm Matrix bekannten Softwarecode. Durch zahlreiche Einstellungsmglichkeiten passen Sie ihn an Ihre Bedrfnisse an.

Download: Gratis-Programm Matrix Code Emulator herunterladen

Platz 8: YZMatrix Screensaver

YZMatrix zeigt auch die coolen Schriftzge, die im Matrix-Film bei Hacker Neo und seinen Mitstreitern erscheinen, auf Ihrem Bildschirm. Der Clou: Einige Texte, die innerhalb der unergrndlichen Botschaften angezeigt werden, sind vernderbar. Geschwindigkeit, Dichte und Gre der Schriftzeichen variieren Sie beliebig.

Download: Gratis-Programm YZMatrix Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 7: Space Fighters 3D

Bei dem Bildschirmschoner Space Fighters 3D werden Sie Zeuge einer rasanten Weltraumschlacht. Treffen die beiden feindlichen Zivilisationen mit ihren bis an die Zhne bewaffneten Kampfschiffen aufeinander, beginnt das Action-Spektakel mit flammenden Plasmastrahlen und gewaltigen Explosionen.

Download: Gratis-Programm Space Fighters 3D (Spezial Version) herunterladen

Platz 6: Sim Aquarium FreeTank

Der Bildschirmschoner Sim Aquarium FreeTank simuliert ein Tropen-Aquarium auf Ihrem PC-Monitor, Korallenriff inklusive. Spiegeleffekte und fotorealistische Grafik erzeugen eine verblffend echt wirkende Atmosphre.

Download: Gratis-Programm Sim Aquarium FreeTank herunterladen

Platz 5: Kaminfeuer Titanium Free Screensaver

Htten Sie gern einen Kamin? Dann installieren Sie doch den Bildschirmschoner Kaminfeuer. Der macht aus Ihrem Monitor einen lodernden Ofen mit knackenden Holzscheiten.

Download: Gratis-Programm Kaminfeuer Titanium Free Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 4: Dream Aquarium Screensaver

Ein weiterer Unterwasser-Bildschirmschoner: Diese Variante verwandelt Ihren Monitor in ein virtuelles Meerwasser-Aquarium. Zwei Becken bieten eine fotorealistische 3D-Ansicht.

Download: Programm Dream Aquarium Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 3: Cities of Earth Free 3D Screensaver

Whrend sich die Erdkugel auf dem Monitor dreht, werden die Metropolen der Welt eingeblendet samt jeweiliger Ortszeit und Einwohnerzahl. Auf Wunsch fgen Sie zustzliche Stdte ein.

Download: Gratis-Programm Cities of Earth Free 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 2: Free Fire Screensaver

Manche mgens hei! Der kostenlose Bildschirmschoner Free Fire Screensaver setzt Ihren Monitor mit knisternder Geruschkulisse in Flammen. Rein virtuell, versteht sich.

Download: Gratis-Programm Free Fire Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 1: 3D Fish School Screensaver

An der Spitze der beliebtesten Bildschirmschoner liegt ein Klassiker: Die 3D Fish School verwandelt Ihren Monitor in ein Korallenriff. Anzahl und Arten der Fische im PC-Aquarium whlen Sie ebenso die optischen Effekte und die akustische Untermalung.

Download: Programm 3D Fish School Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 50: 3D Solar System Screensaver

Der Bildschirmschoner 3D Solar System steht im Zeichen unseres Sonnensystems. Die interstellaren Trabanten von Merkur bis Pluto sind vertreten. Auf Wunsch fhrt Sie die Kamera direkt zum Planeten Ihrer Wahl.

Download: Programm 3D Solar System herunterladen

Platz 49: Meerwasser-Aquarium 3D

Im Bildschirmschoner Meerwasser-Aquarium 3D tummeln sich Salzwasserfische in einem Korallenriff. Fr Abwechslung sorgen Lichteffekte und vier unterschiedlich gestaltete Aquarien, die Sie zufllig oder gezielt whlen.

Download: Programm Meerwasser-Aquarium 3D herunterladen

Platz 48: Balloon Clock ScreenSaver

Der Balloon Clock ScreenSaver erfreut Ihr Auge mit einem riesigen Ballon, der durch die Wolken tanzt. Darin ist eine Uhr zu sehen, die Ihnen zeigt, wann endlich Feierabend ist.

Download: Gratis-Programm Balloon Clock ScreenSaver herunterladen

Platz 47: Moppi Flower Saver

Der Bildschirmschoner Moppi Flower Saver zaubert Blumen auf den Bildschirm, die zur Musik tanzen. Die Grafik ist anspruchsvoll und bentigt eine OpenGL-fhige Grafikkarte.

Download: Programm Moppi Flower Saver herunterladen

Platz 46: SciTech Screensaver

Halten Sie Kontakt zur europischen Raumfahrt-Behrde ESA: Der SciTech Screensaver liefert Nachrichten zum Thema Raumfahrt und informiert ber wichtige Missionen.

Download: Gratis-Programm SciTech Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 45: 3D Arctic Bear Advanced

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner 3D Arctic Bear Advanced landet ein besonders cooler Eisbr auf Ihrem Monitor. Der hngt in Ihren Arbeitspausen auf seiner Eisscholle rum, geniet Musik (die Sie auch mithren knnen), tanzt und trinkt. Was fr ein Leben!

Download: Programm 3D Arctic Bear Advanced herunterladen

Platz 44: Dropclock

Grafisch genial: Der Bildschirmschoner Dropclock zeigt die aktuelle Uhrzeit an, wobei die Ziffern in Zeitlupe ins Wasser gleiten. Treffen Sie auf die Oberflche, entstehen beim Eintauchen tuschend echte Wasserspritzer und Wassertropfen.

Download: Programm Dropclock herunterladen

Platz 43: 3D Terrain Flight Screensaver

Dieser Bildschirmschoner startet eines von sechs Kampfflugzeugen, das ber eine vom Computer erzeugte Landschaft fliegt. Wahlweise prsentiert sich das Programm im Vollbildmodus oder in einer Fernrohr-Perspektive.

Download: Gratis-Programm3D Terrain Flight Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 42: Moorhuhn Bildschirmschoner

Der Moorhuhn Bildschirmschoner ist der Hit fr Freunde des Ballerspiel-Klassikers. Das Federvieh fliegt ber einen schwarzen Hintergrund. Fr Abwechslung sorgen Aktionen und Verkleidungen der Flattermnner.

Hinweis: Der Download ist nicht mehr verfgbar.

Platz 41: Sun Clock

Mit Sun Clock holen Sie sich eine Weltkarte direkt auf Ihren PC. Neben dem Datum und der Uhrzeit zeigt Ihnen die Software ebenfalls Informationen wie den Lngen- und Breitengrad eines Ortes an. Auch die aktuellen Positionen von Sonne und Mond sind sichtbar. ber das Einstellungsmen ndern Sie zudem die Bezeichnungen der Karte und whlen Sun Clock als Bildschirmschoner aus.

Download: Programm Sun Clock herunterladen

Platz 40: Deflexion Screensaver

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Deflexion knnen Sie Ihre eigenen Bilder auf ganz neue Weise betrachten. Denn das Programm verfremdet die Fotos auf spektakulre Art und Weise, verwirbelt sie, sodass hnliche Fraktal-Gebilde wie die berhmten Apfelmnnchen der Mandelbrot-Menge entstehen.

Download: Programm Deflexion herunterladen

Platz 39: Cyber Fire 3D Screensaver

Der Cyber Fire 3D Screensaver entfacht ein dreidimensionales Feuer auf Ihrem Bildschirm. Es ist eingeschlossen in einem kleinen Ball, den vier Stangen halten.

Download: Gratis-Programm Cyber Fire 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 38: Briblo Screensaver

Das Programm Briblo Screensaver bringt Lego-Steine auf Ihren Bildschirm und baut per Zufallsprinzip bunte Trme; mit der Tastatur beeinflussen Sie die Angelegenheit.

Download: Gratis-Programm Briblo Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 37: Green Fields 3D Screensaver

Bei Green Fields 3D schweben Sie durch eine dreidimensionale Graslandschaft. Auf Wunsch luft Musik, die Fluggeschwindigkeit ist variabel.

Download: Programm Green Fields 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 36: Phantastic Screensaver

Ein Bildschirmschoner-Paket, bei dem Sie aus acht Schoner-Typen whlen. Jedes Modul hat eigene Einstellungsmglichkeiten. Die Themen reichen vom komplexen geometrischen Gebilde (Fraktal) bis zur Regen-Simulation.

Download: Programm Phantastic Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 35: Ancient Clock Screensaver

Der Ancient Clock Screensaver fr das Betriebssystem Windows ist gleichzeitig eine Analog-Uhr. Die Oberflche orientiert sich am alten gypten mit Sphinx und Pyramiden.

Download: Programm Ancient Clock Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 34: 3D Spooky Halloween Screensaver

Halloween auf Ihrem Computer: Vor einem Spukhaus tummeln sich Gespenster im Mondlicht und Fledermuse ziehen ihre Runden. Gruselige Musik untermalt die Szenerie.

Download: Programm 3D Spooky Halloween Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 33: Lava Lamp Screensaver

Der Lava Lamp Screensaver stellt die Nachbildung einer Lava-Lampe auf Ihrem Bildschirm dar: Sie blubbert in mystischem Blau.

Download: Programm Lava Lamp Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 32: Holding Pattern Coach Class Screensaver (Mac)

Der Holding Pattern Coach Class Screensaver verwandelt Ihren Mac-Monitor in ein Flugzeug-Fenster und bietet den Blick auf unendliche Weiten am Himmel. Bei jedem Start gibt es eine andere Ansicht.

Download: Gratis-Programm Holding Pattern Coach Class Screensaver (Mac) herunterladen

Platz 31: Atomic Clock Screensaver

Der Bildschirmschoner Atomic Clock Screensaver zeigt eine Atom-Uhr, die auch Ihre Computer-Uhr automatisch auf die richtige Zeit einstellt. So sparen Sie sich das Umstellen von Hand.

Download: Gratis-Programm Atomic Clock Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 30: Aqua Real 2

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Aqua Real 2 entstehen Unterwasserwelten. Elemente wie Fische, Korallen, Sand und Luftblasen bauen Sie fotorealistisch in das virtuelle Aquarium ein. Auf Wunsch entspannen Sie sich in Ihren Arbeitspausen zustzlich durch passende Hintergrundmusik.

Download: Programm Aqua Real 2 herunterladen

Platz 29: Bus Stop 3

Der interaktive Bildschirmschoner Bus Stop 3 zeigt das Leben an einer Bus-Haltestelle. Dabei wird die Tages- und Nachtzeit ebenso bercksichtigt wie die Jahreszeit. Ein Terminkalender weist auf bevorstehende Geburtstage hin.

Download: Programm Bus Stop 3 herunterladen

Platz 28: Aquarium Desktop 3D

Holen Sie sich die faszinierende Unterwasserwelt auf den PC: Der Bildschirmschoner Aquarium Desktop 3D bringt Pinzettenfische, Clownfische und viele andere Meeresbewohner in Ihren Arbeitspausen auf den Monitor. Auf Wunsch mit Uhrzeit, sanfter Hintergrundmusik, dem Rauschen der Aquariumspumpe oder den Fenstern der geffneten Programme als Hintergrund.

Download: Gratis-Programm Aquarium Desktop 3D herunterladen

Platz 27: Drempels

Drempels zaubert geniale Tornado-Effekte auf den Desktop. Das kostenlose Programm ersetzt das statische Windows-Hintergrundbild durch bunte, wirbelnde Muster. Diese Videos, die auf der Windows-Arbeitsoberflche abgespielt werden, ziehen Sie mit ihrer Sogwirkung garantiert in ihren Bann. Sie knnen Drempels auch als Bildschirmschoner starten, was genauso faszinierend ist.

Download: Gratis-Programm Drempels herunterladen

Platz 26: Astro-Psycho-Logisch

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Astro-Psycho-Logisch gehen Sie auf eine 3D-Reise durch das Universum. Dabei entdecken Sie sowohl Planeten als auch Sternzeichen. Whrend der Erkundungstour hren Sie auf Wunsch Musik. Auch Freunde von Horoskopen und Astrologie kommen bei dem Screensaver nicht zu kurz.

Download: Gratis-Programm Astro-Psycho-Logisch herunterladen

Platz 25: Planet Erde 3D Bildschirmschoner

Der Planet Erde 3D Bildschirmschoner zeigt ein rumlich wirkendes Modell der Erde. Auf dem drehenden Globus erkennen Sie Gebirge, Wsten, Seen.

Download: Planet Erde 3D Bildschirmschoner herunterladen

Platz 24: 3D Fireworks Screensaver

Der 3D Fireworks Screensaver brennt ein nchtliches Gro-Feuerwerk ber der Skyline einer US-Grostadt ab. Weihnachtsgre sind zu- oder abschaltbar.

Download: Programm 3D Fireworks Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 23: Clock Screen Saver

Der Bildschirmschoner Clock Screen Saver zeigt in den Arbeitspausen die Uhrzeit auf dem Monitor an sekundengenau und mit Datum. Bei der Darstellung der Zeit haben Sie die Wahl zwischen analoger und digitaler Uhr.

Download: Gratis-Programm Clock Screen Saver herunterladen

Platz 22: Actual Earth 3D

Der Bildschirmschoner Actual Earth 3D zeigt ein detailreiches Modell der Erde. Sie finden Angaben zu Zeit und Datum, Koordinaten Ihrer Position und Informationen zum Mond- und Sonnenaufgang.

Download: Gratis-Programm Actual Earth 3D herunterladen

Platz 21: 2000th HellFire Screensaver

Beim 2000th HellFire Screensaver fllt Ihre Benutzeroberflche Flammen zum Opfer optisch. Das Ganze sieht spektakulr aus und hrt sich entsprechend an.

Download: Programm 2000th HellFire Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 20: The One Ring 3D Screensaver

The One Ring 3D Screensaver fr Windows hat den Romanzyklus Der Herr der Ringe zum Thema. Der mit Licht- und Spiegeleffekten ausgestattete Ring der Macht bewegt sich ber die Landkarte von Tolkiens Mittelerde.

Download: Gratis-Programm The One Ring 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 19: Another World Screensaver

Fantasievolle Landschaftsaufnahmen fiktiver Planeten sind die Motive des Another World Screensaver. Die Entwickler haben besonderes Augenmerk auf Szenarien mit Wasser gelegt.

Download: Gratis-Programm Another World Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 18: SeaStorm 3D Screensaver

Der SeaStorm 3D Screensaver beschwrt eine Wasserhose herauf in der Realitt ein seltenes Phnomen, am PC zum Glck ungefhrlich.

Download: Programm SeaStorm 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 17: Space Travel Screensaver

Erleben Sie eine spektakulre Reise von der Erde zum Saturn. Im Vorbeiflug an Mond und Mars hren Sie im Hintergrund den originalen Funkverkehr ehemaliger Astronauten. Besonders mit einer modernen Grafikkarte ist der Space Travel-Bildschirmschoner fr Weltraumfans ein echtes Vergngen.

Download: Gratis-Programm Space Travel Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 16: Dolphin Dreams Screensaver

Auf dem dreidimensionalen Dolphin Dreams Screensaver tummeln sich bis zu zwlf Delfine, die ihre Kunststcke ber und unter Wasser zeigen. Eine entsprechende Geruschkulisse untermalt das Ganze.

Download: Programm Dolphin Dreams Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 15: Shark Water World 3D Screensaver

Im Shark Water World 3D Screensaver drehen Haie in einer Unterwasserkulisse, die aus einem gesunkenen Piratenschiff und verstreut herumliegenden Schtzen besteht, ihre Runden.

Download: Programm Shark Water World 3D Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 14:

Was passiert in der Welt? Der kostenlose prsentiert die aktuellen Nachrichten aus den Bereichen Politik, Sport, Lifestyle, Auto und Entertainment auf Ihrem Desktop.

Download: Gratis-Programm herunterladen

Platz 13: Johnny Castaway Screensaver

Johnny Castaway hat sich als Schiffbrchiger auf eine kleine Insel gerettet. Erleben Sie mit diesem Gratis-Bildschirmschoner, wie Johnny den Tag verbringt und was er alles anstellt, um sich fit zu halten und gerettet zu werden.

Download: Gratis-Programm Johnny Castaway Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 12: Pixelbreaker PolarClock

Der kostenlose Bildschirmschoner Pixelbreaker PolarClock macht Ihren Monitor zur schicken Designer-Uhr, wenn der Computer eine Pause einlegt. Die bunte Uhr zeigt Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute und Sekunde in farbigen Kreisverlufen auf dem Bildschirm an je weiter fortgeschritten die Zeit, desto voller der jeweilige Kreis.

Download: Gratis-Programm Pixelbreaker PolarClock herunterladen

Platz 11: WELT ONLINE-Bildschirmschoner

Lesen Sie in Ihren Arbeitspausen die neuesten Nachrichten aus der WELT-Redaktion.

Download: Gratis-Programm WELT ONLINE-Bildschirmschoner herunterladen

Platz 10: Oldtimer 3D

Mit dem Bildschirmschoner Oldtimer 3D machen Sie einen Ausflug in die Vergangenheit: Sie fahren ber eine kurvige Landstrae und genieen das sommerliche Bergpanorama. Das Fahrzeug aus den 30er-Jahren besticht durch klassische Formen, runde Scheinwerfer, Speichenrder und das passende Motorengerusch.

Download: Gratis-Programm Oldtimer 3D herunterladen

Platz 9: Matrix Code Emulator

Der Matrix Code Emulator-Bildschirmschoner imitiert den aus dem Spielfilm Matrix bekannten Softwarecode. Durch zahlreiche Einstellungsmglichkeiten passen Sie ihn an Ihre Bedrfnisse an.

Download: Gratis-Programm Matrix Code Emulator herunterladen

Platz 8: YZMatrix Screensaver

YZMatrix zeigt auch die coolen Schriftzge, die im Matrix-Film bei Hacker Neo und seinen Mitstreitern erscheinen, auf Ihrem Bildschirm. Der Clou: Einige Texte, die innerhalb der unergrndlichen Botschaften angezeigt werden, sind vernderbar. Geschwindigkeit, Dichte und Gre der Schriftzeichen variieren Sie beliebig.

Download: Gratis-Programm YZMatrix Screensaver herunterladen

Platz 7: Space Fighters 3D

Bei dem Bildschirmschoner Space Fighters 3D werden Sie Zeuge einer rasanten Weltraumschlacht. Treffen die beiden feindlichen Zivilisationen mit ihren bis an die Zhne bewaffneten Kampfschiffen aufeinander, beginnt das Action-Spektakel mit flammenden Plasmastrahlen und gewaltigen Explosionen.

Download: Gratis-Programm Space Fighters 3D (Spezial Version) herunterladen

Platz 6: Sim Aquarium FreeTank

Monday 20 May 2013

Apple white iPhone 4 arrives in Singapore tomorrow, followed by iPad 2

Today, Apple announced that the iPad 2 will arrive in Japan on Thursday, 28 April and Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and eight additional countries on Friday, 29 April. The iPad 2 will be available in Singapore at select Apple Authorised Resellers, and online through the Apple Store ( beginning at 1am local time.

The Apple iPad 2 is 33 percent thinner and up to 15 percent lighter than the original iPad, while maintaining the same stunning 9.7-inch LED-backlit LCD screen. It features Apple’s new dual-core A5 processor for superb performance and stunning graphics and two cameras, a front-facing VGA camera for FaceTime and Photo Booth, and a rear-facing camera that captures 720p HD video. The Apple iPad 2 also boasts up to 10 hours of battery life.

Pricing & Availability
In Singapore, the Apple iPad 2 will be available at a suggested retail price of S$668 for the 16GB model, S$798 for the 32GB model and S$928 for the 64GB model. The iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G will be available in Singapore for a suggested retail price of S$848 for the 16GB model, S$978 for the 32GB model and S$1,108 for the 64GB model.

iMovie and GarageBand for iPad apps are available for US$4.99 each from the App Store? on iPad or The Smart Cover is available in a range of colors in vibrant polyurethane for S$54 or rich leather for S$98.

White iPhone 4

Apple today announced that the white iPhone 4 will be available beginning tomorrow. White iPhone 4 models will be available from Apple’s online store ( and select Apple Authorised Resellers.

Pricing & Availability
White models of iPhone 4 will be available in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Macau, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and the US, beginning Thursday, April 28 and in many more countries around the world soon. The white iPhone 4 will be available for a recommended retail price of S$888 for the 16GB model and S$1,048 for the 32GB model through the Apple Store (, and select Apple Authorised Resellers.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

ASUS Premium Boards To Bundle w InterVideo Software

ASUS Technology Pte Ltd (ASUS), the worldwide leader of motherboards,recently announced the bundling of multimedia software Media Launcher fromcooperative partner, digital media leader InterVideo, along with the ASUSpremium motherboard series.

This strategic collaboration not only further the cooperative effort, but alsorepresents the conviction from ASUS in pursuing total multimedia entertainmentsolution for users, while providing more value-added services for end users tofully enjoy the advantages brought forth in the age of multimedia.

For overclocking aficionados, the ASUS premium motherboards have alwaysdemonstrated competent prowess in meeting technological and performancerequirements. This is even more evidently seen through numerous innovations fromASUS such as 8-phase power design, Stack Cool 2, Heat pipe, etc. which arewidely acclaimed by users all over.

Nevertheless, ASUS not only excels in hardware designs, but also bundle softwarewith hope in offering best overall user experience. The InterVideo MediaLauncher for instance, is a multimedia editing, monitoring, and managingsoftware, which includes WinDVD Creator2, PhotoAlbum, Disc Master2.5, DVDCopy2.5, and recently published MediaOne Gallery. For users with a wealth ofphotos, clips, music files, or even assorted documents, this is certainly adream come true. Furthermore, for users who made the purchase along with bundledMedia Launcher, upgrade to the advanced, feature-ridden MediaOne Gallery isavailable for a nominal fee that is lower than the retail price of USD$ 50.

The offer is expected to begin with the launch of A8R32-MVP in March, andcarries over to existing models such as, A8N32-SLI Deluxe, P5N32-SLI Deluxe,P5WD2 PREMIUM, P5LD2 DELUXE, A8N-SLI PREMIUM, P5WDG2-WS, and etc. The MediaLauncher will also be bundled along with future premium motherboard series toprovide users with multimedia total solution and valuable entertainmentexperience.

With the coming age of digital home, how to seamlessly integrate PC into homecenter will depend on software interface design, as a true testament of PCmaker’s familiarity to home electronics. ASUS will dedicate the hardware designand production expertise, combined with multimedia talents from InterVideo, toprevail in the upcoming rise of digital home market.

The ASUS motherboards are now available worldwide. For more information, pleasevisit the company homepage at

Wednesday 1 May 2013

great halloween movie countdown #3 “the hills run red”

Okay, I know what you’re thinking before you even say it — and Karnak the Mystic I’m not — “looks like a cheap straight-to-video knockoff of “The Hills Have Eyes.’” And you know what? You’re right. And wrong. Be patient for the briefest of moments and all shall be explained.

Director Dave Parker (“The Dead Hate the Living”) has indeed lensed a relatively low-budget horror flick here that treads on some — I repeat, some — similar thematic ground as Wes Craven’s — ummmm— similarly-titled classic, namely that city folks should not leave the concrete jungle because rural America is populated by psychos out to kill you for the hell of it (a fact which the movie itself even acknowledges in one of its many self-referential dialogue sequences) , and the name itself is a way-obvious —again with the ummmm —-? “homage,” shall we say. Hell, if you take a look at the DVD cover pictured below, you’ll see that they even rip off the logo of Alexandre Aja’s HHE remake exactly:

And while we’re (briefly) on the subject of the DVD (which contains a nice 16:9 letterboxed picture, a first-class 5.1 surround mix, a feature-length generally thorough and scene-specific commentary from Parker, co-writer David J. Schow, and producer Robert Meyer Burnett, and a just-under-30-minute “making of” featurette, for those of you who get into the extras), whatever you don’t — I repeat, absolutely do not — read the back of the box before you see watch this film, it gives away waaaaayyyy too much. And yes, this is a lesser-budgeted picture shot in Bulgaria (where Steve Miner’s deplorable “Day of the Dead” remake was also made for budgetary reasons) that, while it got the occasional screening at some recent horror conventions, was destined for DTV release from the get-go by Warner Premiere and Dark Castle Entertainment (the credits even list the script as being a “teleplay”).

So that’s where you’re right — but before you pat yourself on the back too hard, this is the point at which your preconceived notions about “The Hills Run Red” get left in the dust, because in truth, while it “borrows” these elements from HHE, Parker’s film is actually an equal-opportunity thief that also swipes elements liberally from countless other horror staples.

We’ve got the masked slasher a la Jason and Michael. The film-within-a-film (or “metafilm,” if you prefer) conceit from “Wes Craven’s New Nightmare” and Fulci’s “Cat in the Brain.” We’ve got the abandoned cabin in the woods from “The Evil Dead, ” “Cabin Fever,” and too many others to mention. We’ve got a little bit of “Saw”-style torture porn. We’ve got the “movie to evil to ever be seen by human eyes” of John Carpenter’s “Masters of Horror” entry “Cigarette Burns.” And we’ve got the previously-mentioned self-referentiality-as-a-quick-means-of-purportedly-”subverting”-standard-horror-elements that made the “Scream” series, and damn near ever other teen horror that followed it, such a hit. So while there well and truly is nothing new under the sun — or in “The Hills Run Red,” for that matter — Parker and company wear their influences on their collective sleeves so obviously here that it’s obvious from the get-go that he’s not trying to reinvent the wheel, much less give you something daringly original. What HRR is attempting to do, rather, is essentially serve the horror equivalent of Irish stew — familiar ingredients blended together in a (hopefully) appetizing manner that hit the taste buds a bit differently when mixed in combination than they would if prepared individually.

And in that respect, this reviewer must say, “The Hills Run Red” succeeds admirably.

In 1982, director Wilson Wyler Concannon (portrayed in flashback by William Sadler of “The Mist,” among other credits) made his one and only film, a shockingly brutal slasher flick called “The Hills Run Red” about a countryside psycho simply known as “Babyface,” a man-child brute so disturbed that he cut his own face off and tied on a baby mask with barbed wire before going about a life of murder, mayhem, and mutilation. He even carried a baby’s rattle — billed as his “death rattle” — that he shakes before descending upon his victims just to let them know that they’re, you know, fucked. I guess he’s just courteous like that (and this reviewer must admit that the first time he heard the “death rattle” it was, in fact, pretty damn creepy). But I digress.

Anyway, “The Hills Run Red” traumatized audiences so much that it was pulled from theaters in just a few days and all prints of the film were recalled and, presumably, destroyed. The actors who played in it have never been found, and Concannon himself has even vanished. All that exists to prove this film was ever made is a trailer and a handful of still photos.

Now, what the hell do you think would happen if such a scenario existed in reality? Needless to say, a small but fanatical cult has formed around the film, and they’re willing to go to great lengths to try to track down an actual print of the movie itself.

One such devotee is our erstwhile protagonist Tyler (Tad Hilgenbrinck of, dare I even mention it, “The Lost Boys 2″), a film student who’s determined to do what all others have so far failed to accomplish, namely get ahold of “The Hills Run Red” by any means necessary, and to document his quest for this bit of celluloid legend in a movie of his own. Succeed or fail, he’s got his trust high-def video camera with him and is going to record his exploits for posterity — or maybe just for his fellow “Hills” fans, whatever.

Along for the journey are his girlfriend, Serina (Janet Montgomery) and his best friend and roommate Lalo (Alex Wyndham), who have been screwing around on Tyler behind his back while his unhealthy “Hills” obsession has taken over every aspect of his life.

When we join the story, though, Tyler’s finally gotten a lucky break —a-never-seen-on-screen fellow HRR aficionado has leaves a message on his answering machine (guess he blew all his spending money on his film gear) saying that he’s found Concannon’s daughter, Alexa (Sophie Monk), who actually starred in the film as a child,? working at a strip club about 20 minutes outside of the never-named city they live in. And here’s where the movie asks you to suspend disbelief maybe just a little too much.

First off, Tyler goes into said strip club and asks for Alexa by her first and last name — and the manager points her out to him! Try that at a tittie bar in your hometown and see how you fare. Ask for? a girl by her stage name — “Sherri,” “Honey,” “Cassidy,” “Vanity,” whatever — and you might have some luck. Ask for her by the name on her birth certificate — “Mary Jones, ” “Sally Smith,” you name it — and the best you’ll probably get is a blank stare in return because the manager or bouncer or bartender or whoever probably doesn’t even know her real name since she’s paid in cash and those establishments tend not to bother with a whole lot of paperwork if you look like you’re over 18. Tyler asks for “Alexa Concannon” and the boss-man points her right out.

Next up, Tyler finds she’s a hopeless heroin junkie living out of a motel. So what does he do? Ties her up to her bed, flushes her drugs and hardware down the toilet, and stays with her until goes through painful withdrawals on the way to getting clean from her smack habit — all of which takes a grand total of three days! Dear God, there are people who spend three years getting that stuff out of their system, and going “cold turkey” almost never works! That’s why they invented a little something called methadone.

Anyway, with a newly-clear-headed Alexa in tow, he, Lalo, and Serina all head off into the woods to find the legendary cabin of Wilson Wyler Concannon, where Alexa thinks there might actually be a print of the film that her father stashed away — oh, and apparently he shot the film itself in the nearby environs, so Tyler’s got a major documentarian’s wet dream on his hands here since he can record his search for the lost movie and his pilgimage to its filming locations all in one go.

On their very fist night on the woods, though, about halfway to where Alexa thinks she remembers the cabin is (and we get a lot of nice interplay along the way between present-day “reality” and “archival” footage of the” film itself,”particularly when they stumble upon spots where some of the grislier kill scenes were recorded), they run into trouble of the local variety when a pack of hillbilly hooligans descends upon them while they sleep with the intention of — stop me if you’ve heard this one before — and before that — and before that — and before that — stealing all their shit and raping the women and recording it for sale to the ever-nefarious “porno industry.”

Things don’t go quite as planned for the redneck rapists, though, when they hear the sound of a rattle in the cold night air and come face to face (or face to? mask, as the case may be) with none other than “Babyface” himself, who apparently is much more than just a slice (pun intended or not? I leave it for you to decide)? of celluloid fiction.

What follows next are a series of usually-downright-surprising-and-often-quite-nauseatingly-revolting plot twists as our merry band of wilderness wanderers run for their lives, find Concannon’s cabin, hide wherever they can when they need to, and generally try to discern fact from fiction in their attempt to unravel the legend of “The Hills Have Eyes.” The kill scenes are terrific, suitably gruesome, and uniformly well-shot. The musical score nicely complements — and yes, okay, at times foreshadows — the action on-screen, and the “aren’t'-we-so-very-clever”ness of the film’s opening acts gives way to some good old-fashioned stomach-churning horror and seriously brual violence.

“Babyface” himself (Raicho Vasilev, not that it really matters — a guy who, I’m guessing by the name, must be a Bulgarian local, as were much of the cast and crew) is one of the downright more awesome slashers to hit the scene in a long time, and his backstory unfolds at a nicely deliberate pace, as does the story of whatever happened to Concannon and his film. Simply put, “The Hills Run Red” will leave you guessing most of the way through its our-and-twenty-minutes-or-so run. Okay, there’s one extra little “gotcha!” moment at the end, as the credits are rolling, that’s not all that exciting or, for that matter, even necessary, but I’ll forgive Parker and his cohorts that one extra exclamation point and I understand why they overplayed their hand since they really are on a pretty solid roll with the surprises for the last 20-30 minutes and probably figured they had one more trick up their sleeve when, in actuality, they didn’t. Certainly a forgivable sin.

As are most of? the others in “The Hills Run Red.” Hilgenbrinck, for his part, doesn’t have nearly the acting chops to carry a lead role, but the other players, particularly Monk, who’s asked to go through a lot of sudden character changes as the story unfolds, acquit themselves pretty well, and as “final girls” go, Janet Montgomery does a pretty nice job of things.

To be honest, I think that Warner Premiere could have had a little bit of luck with this in theaters. It’s certainly a damn sight better than most of this year’s slasher fare (like the wretched “Friday the 13th” remake), or even that of most recent years. “Babyface” is downright iconic, and the story, while openly derivative as hell, certainly is less so than any of the remakes clogging up theater screens these days, and to answer the question your humble reviewer posed earlier, yes, the various overly-familiar ingredients are indeed blended together in such a way as to make the individual, and admittedly instantly-recognizable, parts come across in a unique new combination of flavors (just to bring back the food metaphor). It’s not the work of a master chef (although Parker has certainly honed his craft beyween the year 2000 , when “The Dead Hate the Living” was released, and 2009 — I gather he’s mostly been doing featurette/DVD extra-type “making of” shorts on various films and filmmakers in the lengthy interim), but it’s a better meal than most you’ve had lately, and if Parker tinkers with his ingredients a bit more and shows a little more daring in terms of being willing to add his own seasoning, he may just cook up a classic yet.

Now it’s time for dinner, but before I go I — what’s that you say? Really? What clued you in that I was hungry?

Thursday 25 April 2013

Anonymous retaliates against internet censorship in India

One way to retaliate against governance censorship of the internet is to hack the sites of the organizations/companies that support censorship. Anonymous, an internet activist group, has been hacking into various sites and temporarily disabling them to express their frustration towards banned sites and blocked contents by various Indian internet service providers (ISPs).

Recently the Indian government approved the Ashok Kumar order which was designed to protect copyrighted music and films in India. However, Anonymous claims that the implemented policy has an indirect effect on people to don’t pirate copyrighted contents on the internet.

Sites such as Pastebin, Piratebay, and Dailymotion are currently banned or blocked by Indias ISPs, and Anonymous claims that copyright infringements based on users who post pirated contents do not reflect the “common man” that use the sites to share a lot of necessary non-copyrighted contents.

“File sharing is the lifeline of the internet, that’s why it came into being,” says tomgeorge in the Anonymous’ chat room.

Anonymous’ method of retaliation may not be viewed as civilized, but the group argues that the Indian government isn’t concern with how private organizations are censoring India’s internet.

“We are not protesting arbitrary, extra-judicial censorship, where not even the government knows—or cares—who controls what,” says @anamikanon, an Anonymous member.

In addition cyber guerilla warfare through DDOS attacks, Anonymous has also been spotted in various parts of India in masks and holding up anti-censorship signs. According to the BBC, the group intend to continue its protest and hacking attacks until the Indian government lifts restrictions that Anonymous deems unfair.

Monday 22 April 2013

Asus P9X79WS makes a brief appearance ahead of launch

Not entirely unexpected, Asus will be launching a WS or Work Station version of its P9X79 motherboards which is simply called the P9X79WS and the first picture of the new board has now appeared online. This model shares some basic design elements with the Pro and Deluxe boards, but its pretty clear that its not intended for the same market.

The most obvious difference between the WS model and the consumer models is the slot configuration and the different heasink design. The P9X79WS has no less than six x16 PCI Express slots, although were not sure about the exact configuration here, but were guessing that the two blue slots are both actual x16 slots, with the black slots sharing bandwidth with the blue slots whereas the white slots are limited to four lanes or something similar. The board supports four-way SLI and CrossFireX according to the box, so were guessing were close to the actual slot configuration.

The board has the standard two SATA 6Gbps ports and four SATA 3Gbps ports provided by the chipset, as well as a pair of additional SATA 6Gbps ports courtesy of a Marvell chip. Theres also a pin header for two front USB 3.0 ports as well as two pin headers for four front USB 2.0 ports and one pin header each for a FireWire and serial port. The top right corner appears to have a Molex connector for additional power and theres also a POST 80 debug LED display and a power and reset button on the board. As we mentioned, the heatsinks are quite different, with a fairly peculiar design where the chipset heatsink is connected to a smaller heatsink fitted to what appears to be the power regulation for the memory by a heatpipe and this heatsink is then in turn connected via a second heatpipe to the MOSFET heatsink.

Around the back were looking at a pair of PS/2 ports, eight USB 2.0 ports, two USB 3.0 ports, a FireWire port, a pair of Gigabit Ethernet ports of which at least one is connected to an Intel chip, 7.1-channel audio with optical S/PDIF out and a “Easy BIOS Flashback” button that judging by the box allows you to flash your BIOS from a USB dongle connected to the white USB port at the back of the board. No word on pricing, but at least we only have to wait until Monday to find out.

Source: Sweclockers (in Swedish)

Thursday 18 April 2013

great halloween movie countdown #6 “paranormal activity”

Ah, the silent tyranny of expectations. Yesterday, you host did a bit of theater-hopping at the Block E megaplex and took in both of this weekend’s big new horror releases,? the studio-engineered “viral” marketing sensation “Paranormal Activity,” and the largely-dreaded remake of “The Stepfather.” I found myself enjoying both and finding them more-than-worthy additions to our little monthlong Halloween countdown here, but didn’t rank them in the order that I expected, so let’s get started with “Paranormal Activity” and take a look at the “Blair Witch of the 21st century” before moving on to a flick that virtually everyone assumed would suck but doesn’t.

Let’s be honest here — at this point, “Paranormal Activity” — that is, the film itself — is essentially inseparable from its rather ingenious marketing campaign. Paramount has spent a whole lot of money making this look like a word-of-mouth, “because you demanded it”-type thing. In reality, while it looks like a whole new type of “internet phenomenon,” what we’ve got here is essentially a high-tech updating of Mishkin-esque 42nd street ad campaigns. It’s carnival-barking with the audience enlisted as the barkers, and you know, while seeing it for the sham it is, my hat’s still off to the folks behind it, because it follows in the grand exploitation tradition even if most people can’t see it, which is probably the best part of the trick. 1,000 demands will get this into your city? You could get 1,000 demands for just about anything these days, and the theaters were already booked in advance, with full knowledge that this “grassroots campaign” would work.

Which is not to say that first-time filmmaker Oren Peli’s little (at one point) indie horror hasn’t had a circuitous path to wide release. Completed around two years ago, it languished around a bit on the small festival circuit for quite awhile until Steven Spielberg (audible groan) started singing its praises and brought it to the attention of Hollywood execs, who threw a little bit of cash at Peli (not much, it must be said, and the total budget for the film is around $13,000) to reshoot some of the ending and got to work on coming up with a unique way of marketing the film, namely having us do a lot of their work for them. From the horror convention circuit to limited-release midnight shows to its incrementally- timed rollout expansion, this has all been planned.? But I digress.

What’s driving this studio-engineered “demand” is the promise of one of the scariest damn movies you’ll ever see. Why, everyone says so. It’s “Blair Witch” all over again — a tight little suspense shocker that’s so cheaply-made it could pass for a documentary. Some people can’t take it and have to leave the theater, it’s just too intense (so we’re told). Some people actually think it’s real (so we’re told). And it’s really harrowing stuff (so we’re told).

In truth, though, what we’ve got here is really just the latest in the DIY/YouTube-style horror genre that really got going with “Cloverfield” and continued with “REC.” and it’s later English-language reworking “Quarantine” and? then with George Romero’s criminally-underrated “Diary of the Dead,” the only qualitative difference being that this flick’s budget really is damn close to actual DIY levels.

So yes, it does feel authentic. And claustrophobic. And like it could really happen. And it is, in fact, pretty good. But about halfway through this little story of a young couple being haunted by an indefinable presence, I realized I had to divorce myself from the high expectations I had for it if I had any hope of enjoying it. Because it’s not, as the review quoted on the poster claims, one of the scariest movies ever made. It’s plenty scary, sure, but it’s not, as the kids would say, all that.

The setup is pleasingly simple — a young couple, Micah (played by Micah Sloat) and Katie (played by Katie Featherston) move into a new rental townhouse-type thing in San Diego. She’s an English major (who still says “unexplainable?” Please.), he’s a day trader. Her house burned down when she was a young child and she’s been followed by some type of malicious presence ever since. When things start going bump in the might in their new place, they decide to set up cameras all over the place, most prominently in their bedroom, and watch the footage the next day to say what happens while they’re asleep.

And that’s it. We never leave the confines of their house apart from a brief sene out at their swimming pool. The only other notable character included into the mix is a “ghost hunter”-type of guy who pays them a couple of visits. It’s really just the two of them, their place, and their uninvited guest. This minimalistic setup really works, and the conceit of having the actors play characters with their own names adds a further frisson of “everyday horror” to the proceedings. In fact, “everyday horror” is the entire modus operandi here. The fact that this film feels authentic is its greatest strength, and, in fact, it’s only real one.

It’s essentially a one-trick pony. But it’s a good enough trick to keep you glued to your seat for 90 minutes. Each successive scene ratchets up the fear factor a notch at a time. It builds to a shockingly satisfying climax that really explains nothing but feels “just right” nonetheless. But I have to admit that I’ve seen better ultra-low-budget, minimally-scripted films (a couple of which have been reviewed on this very blog — “Last House on Dead End Street” and “Combat Shock”).

All of which is not to knock what Peli has achieved here. It’s certainly remarkable enough in its own right. He and his collaborators can hold their heads high. “Paranormal Activity” is a well-crafted, minimalist flick that wrings as much fright as it can from its contents.

But its rather unique add campaign — remember, inseparable from the film itself — is also its undoing. It’s doing its job of getting what would otherwise be an otherwise unnoticed piece of backyard filmmaking (well, okay, indoor backyard filmmaking) plenty of attention “buzz” — but it’s also setting people up for a bit of disappointment by promising one of the scariest movies ever, and “Paranormal Activity” just plain isn’t. In true exploitation style, the promise is better than the payoff.

Time will tell how this flick is eventually judged, of course. “Blair Witch” started as a huge sensation, endured something of a backlash in ensuing years, and has recently been re-evaluated as a seminal horror movie after all, which it really is, warts and all. I don’t think “Paranormal Activity” will prove to be quite as groundbreaking — or even as groundbreaking as it seems right now. But in Peli’s defense, he didn’t set out to make some trailblazing cinematic phenomenon, he set out to make the best scare film he could with limited resources. And in that respect he succeeds quite admirably.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

ASUS showcases new range of notebooks at CeBIT

ASUS has recently unveiledtheir extensive lineup of mobile computing solutions at the annual CeBIT 2009.

The highlights include the exclusive partnership between ASUS and Automobili Lamborghini in the ASUS-LAMBORGHINI VX5 (above pic), a notebook sporting an exterior chassis inspired by the highly regarded and limited edition Lamborghini Reventón; ASUS M90Gf entertainment notebook PC and ASUS K Series.

ASUS-LAMBORGHINI VX5: Impassioned Power and Luxury
The ASUS-LAMBORGHINI VX5 sports a futuristic chassis, with its design inspired by the revered LAMBORGHINI Reventón. The VX5 is equipped with currently the world’s largest density Solid State Drive standing at 1TB.

Powered by an Intel® Core™2 Quad processor and 4GB memory,the VX5features a TwinTurbo mode that users can utilize to accelerate CPU and GPU performance via a speed key. A 16-inch Full HD display provides more-than-ample viewing space for documents, pictures or movies. Images are displayed in superior vibrancy and clarity, thanks tothe dedicated NVIDIA® GeForce™ GT 130M graphicswith GDDR3 1GB VRAM. A newly-adopted illuminated ‘chiclet’ keyboard automatically lights up in low light conditions, while a Blu-ray disc combo optical drive completes this comprehensive package of panache and power.

ASUS K Series: Computing Comfort On-the-go
The new ASUS K Series is designed for computing comfort, steadfast reliability and multimedia enjoyment. Equipped with the proprietary ASUS Super Hybrid Engine (SHE),it delivers up to 5-hours of non-stop computing on a 6-cell battery, while providing a choice between performance and power conservation modes.

Users are also treated to a sensory feast of surreal entertainment on the move with Altec Lansing speakers, true SRS surround sound and a 16:9 golden aspect ratio LCD display.

N Series Make-over: New N Series with NCVM for Style and Resilience
ASUSalso announces the utilization of Non-conductive Vacuum Metallization (NCVM) films on the ASUS N81, N51, N60 and the N70 series of notebooks (shown above).

NCVM is a vapor metallization film that provides a decorative sheen to the notebook and, being of non-conductive nature, can also avoid the interference of radio frequency (RF) signals such as Wi-Fi compared to other metallization methods such as aluminum. NCVM is not only corrosion resistant,but it can also stands up to the knocks and bumps of day-to-day computing while on the move.

ASUS M90Gf: World’s Largest Memory of Up to 16GB for Maximum Performance
The ASUS M90Gf is a notebook designed for usersto enjoy massive high definition on the move. Equipped with an advanced NVIDIA® MCP79MH chipset that supports a maximum of 4 SODIMM, the ASUS M90F boasts the world’s largest memory of up to 16GB, with 4GB dual rank, 26-bit SODIMMS for extensive multitasking and multimedia capabilities while on the move.

Source: ASUS

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Apple's three more advertisements on why Mac is better than PC

Last month, Appleintroduced four "Get a Mac" advertisements to show why Mac is superior than a PC. And the maker has done it again with three new advertisements - "PC Choice Chat", "Elimination" and "Customer Care".

You can check out the videos from Apple website.

Here's the Apple "Elimination" advertisement for your viewing...

via Engadget

Monday 15 April 2013

Apple To Announce Switch To Intel

Apple plans to move lower-end computers such as the Mac Mini from IBM to Intel chips in mid-2006 and higher-end models such as the Power Mac in mid-2007. The announcement is expected Monday at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco, at which Chief Executive Steve Jobs is giving the keynote speech. The relationship between Apple and IBM has been rocky at times. Apple openly criticized IBM for chip delivery problems, though Big Blue said it fixed the issue. More recent concerns, which helped spur the Intel deal, included tension between Apple's desire for a wide variety of PowerPC processors and IBM's concerns about the profitability of a low-volume business. Over the years, Apple has discussed potential deals with Intel and AMD.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Apple Seeks Injunction Against Samsung Galaxy S III in U.S.

Late last Tuesday, Apple brought a motion against Samsung formally asking the court for permission to add the Samsung Galaxy S III as another product affected by their motion for an injunction against the Galaxy Nexus, which Samsung co-developed with Google. The current litigation against Samsung is its second in California’s courts, and this motion shows Apple is taking the offensive against Android. Earlier in the week Apple filed a complaint with the ITC seeking an immediate importation ban on 29 HTC devices that allegedly infringe on Apple’s patents. The same patent used against HTC, a “data-tapping” patent, is one of two patents Apple is using to target the S III.

Apple purchased an S III to inspect it for patent violations in the United Kingdom, where the device has been available since May 29th; it’s not scheduled to launch in the United States until June 21st. The motion notes that press reports indicate that “Samsung has already sold over nine million preorders of the Galaxy S III; indeed, the Galaxy S III has been reported to be the most extensively preordered piece of consumer electronics in history.” Apple is still analyzing the S III in regards to infringement of two other patents filed against the Galaxy Nexus, but decided to help facilitate and accelerate the court’s analysis by limiting the request to two patents which are clearly infringed: a unified search patent (i.e., Siri) and the data-tapping patent.

Apple’s lawyers reportedly spoke with Samsung’s on May 31st to discuss including the S III among the accused products. They asked, among other things, for Samsung to “confirm that it will not launch the Galaxy S III in the United States until the Court has ruled on Apple’s preliminary injunction motion,” but Samsung’s lawyers replied on June 4th that the motion “will have no bearing on the release date of the Galaxy S III.”

Yesterday afternoon local time, Samsung replied to the motion put forth by Apple, arguing that the court should deny the request as it’s too late to supplement the motion that was put forth back in February; they suggested that a new preliminary injunction motion is needed.

The full text of Apple’s motion can be found here.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers 2013 annoncé

La série Inazuma Eleven connait actuellement un succès grandissant et c'est donc logiquement que Level-5 annonce la mise en chantier d'un nouvel opus Wii.

Intitulée Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers 2013 et dévoilée en marge du TGS, cette version sera compatible Wii U et promet d'introduire tous les nouveaux personnages présents dans la série "GO". Au niveau de l'histoire, elle se déroule quelques années après les événements actuellement diffusés en France. Au niveau du gameplay, on apprend que le jeu prendra en compte les transformations des joueurs via des mécaniques de jeu encore jamais vues.

Le jeu devrait sortir le 20 décembre au Japon et disposera d'une connectivité avec les deux futures version de Inazuma Eleven Go 2 Chrono Stone (toutes deux disponibles le 13 décembre au Japon). On ignore encore ce qu'apportera cette fonctionnalité mais on devrait en apprendre plus lors du salon de Tokyo à venir prochainement. Reste à attendre une annonce officielle pour la probable sortie en Europe de ces trois titres attendus par les fans.

NB : l'image ornant cette news est tirée de Inazuma Eleven Strikers premier du nom.

· Forum Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers 2013

Monday 8 April 2013

Asus launches 3 new notebooks F8P, U3S amp; U6S

The ASUS F8P series brings the ultimate expression of mix and match. The hand picked and crafted premium leather adds tactile warmth to the notebook design while the painted surface keeps it sleek. The new level of fusion is further complemented with state-of-the-art computing technologies, including Intel® Centrino® Duo Processor Technology and Genuine Windows Vista® Business operating system, offering both the look and the power of stylish computing on the go.

Mix & MatchAvailable in Amazing White and Galaxy Black, the F8P offers everything that the ASUS Leather Series carries in a whole new way. The unique LCD cover with half leather and half painted surfaces is a bold statement of contrast yet the softness and the sturdiness complements each other to create a new computing style. In addition to the tactile enjoyment, the F8P also adopts the unique bamboo hinge that’s with integrated power button on the side, offering ergonomic operating convenience.Mobile MultimediaEquipped with a Hybrid TV tuner, the F8P gives the user maximum versatility with the ability to take advantage of both digital and analog signals. A card type remote control is incorporated, in line with the chic portability of the F8P lifestyle, giving the user the ability to take charge of entertainment while being easily carried. Furthermore, a built-in swivel webcam allows instant high-resolution face to face communication without the hassle of external connections and messy wires.Unparalleled GamingTo power the most demanding 3D intense games, the F8P is equipped with abundant graphics power with top of the line specifications, including the latest Intel Core2 Duo processors, up to 2GB of DDR2 memory, DirectX 10 support and a choice of the most powerful graphics processing systems currently available: the world’s first ATI Mobility Radeon HD2400 graphics engine, stocked with 256MB of physical VRAM and HyperMemory up to 1024MB.Seamless SecurityTo give business travellers peace of mind, the F8P features safeguards that combine high-level security with ease of use. The fingerprint authentication allows for heavy duty security of data with the convenience of a finger swipe. The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) encrypts data, password retention and system log on for added data protection measures.F8P (F8P24MD25LBU-PW) Specification· Intel® Centrino® Duo Processor Technology- Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T7700 (2.4GHz, 800MHz, 4MB L2)- Intel® Next-Gen Wireless-N 4965ABGN network connection 802.11a/b/g/n- Intel® 965PM Express Chipset· Genuine Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Business· ATI Radeon HD2400 (with 256MB VRAM) and up to 1028MB Hypermemory· 14.1” WXGA+ (glare 1440 x 900) LCD· 2GB DDR2 RAM and 250GB SATA 5400rpm HDD· TPM-Trusted Platform Module and DVD Super-Multi Double Layer Drive with LightScribe· Integrated Bluetooth™ 2.0 + Enhanced Data Rate· Built-in 1.3 Mega Pixels swivel Web-Camera and Built-in 6-in-1 Card Reader· Accessories: 6-cell battery, notebook bag and mouse· Limited edition only for Christmas SeasonAvailability: After 20th Dec 07 RSP: S$ 2,998 (GST Included)

Sunday 7 April 2013

ASUS introduces WL-330N3G 6-in-1 Wireless-N mobile router

Singapore (March 5, 2011)- The ASUS WL-330N3G offers all the benefits of a standard wireless router, with multi-role functionality and an extremely user-friendly setup. All of these features fit in a tiny device that is easy to carry, making the WL-330N3G ideal for travelers and business people who wish to extend their internet access when on the road.

Incredible flexibility

The first thing to note about the WL-330N3G is its compact size- its footprint is smaller than a business card. While this makes it very easy to carry and literally pocket sized, it does not come at the expense of functionality. This is a full wireless router designed for those on the move, especially students, commuters and mobile professionals.

Six-in-one multi-role functionality for multi-user sharing

Delivering spectacular utility and value, the WL-330N3G works as six different devices rolled into one.
First and foremost, it is a mobile wireless router, connecting devices such as notebooks and smartphones to one broadband internet service. Second, it can be used as a universal repeater in conjunction with other routers to extend the range of an existing connection. Third, the WL-330N3G also functions as an access point when combined with a broadband modem, enabling connectivity for a host of devices.

The WL-330N3G can also be deployed as an Ethernet adapter for Ethernet-capable devices like game consoles, printers and cable set-top boxes.

Finally, the WL-330N3G has both hotspot and 3G sharing modes built in. As a hotspot, it can serve as a mobile Wi-Fi connection for several PCs, while in 3G sharing mode, it provides internet connectivity for several devices through the 3G network. This mode works in conjunction with a 3G USB adapter

Superior coverage and speed made simple

The WL-330N3G with up to 150Mbps data rate is easy to configure. The fast process is extremely simple thanks to ASUS Plug-n-Surf and network detection. Plus, the numerous ways this coverage can be extended to a host of different devices, all in a very portable manner, makes the WL-330N3G a very powerful connectivity enabler.
With its streamlined design, the only buttons and connections on the WL-330N3G are the power port, USB port, reset button, and a 10/100 Ethernet connection for hooking up with modems, other routers and various Ethernet-enabled devices.

For those looking to replace a fixed line, or to simply take their broadband connection with them when traveling or commuting, the WL-330N3G offers a perfect balance of value and performance.


EthernetWAN / LAN x1, RJ-45 for 10/100 BaseTEthernet and 802.3 with max. 10/100Mbps bit rate and auto crossover function (MDI-X)Power adapterAC input 100V - 240V, 50 - 60HzDC output 5V, 2A max.Operating frequency2.4GHzData rate802.11n: Up to 150Mbps802.11g: 6 - 54Mbps802.11b: 1 - 11MbpsEncryption / authenticationSupports 64 / 128-bit WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSKManagementDHCP serverWeb-based administrationSystem event logFirmware upgradeSave / restore configuration fileInternet connection typeAutomatic IP, static IP, PPPoE (MPPE supported), PPTP, L2TP, HSDPAUSB application3G USB adapterDimensions90 x 38.9 x 12.8mm

Source: ASUS Press Release

Saturday 6 April 2013

“bad lieutenant port of call new orleans” floods the screen with manic, visceral intensity

I know what you’re thinking. You’re outraged. Disgusted. Maybe even mortified if you’re especially sensitive, at the very least perplexed if you’re not. What kind of a human being would incorporate a play on words about the tragic flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the title of his post? I mean, that’s just beyond tasteless, right?

Yes, it is. And yes, you should be royally pissed at me right now. That’s intentional. You see, I want you to stop reading this review. I want you to shut your computer off. Hell, if you’re not winning the lottery or getting it on with the woman (or man, as the case may be) of your dreams right now, I think you need to stop what you’re doing. You need to stop what you’re doing, get in your car, on the train, on the bus, on your feet, whatever — and get down to the theater and see “Bad Lieutenant : Port Of Call New Orleans.” It’s just that good. Whatever else you’ve got going on can wait. In fact, I’ll even helpfully stop the review right here so you can get back to it after you return.

Long pause.

Followed by another long pause.

And another.

Then a final, really long one.

Okay, back? Good, welcome back.? Great stuff, wasn’t it? Now let’s continue, shall we?

I’m a lot like you, dear reader. When I first heard that independent film legend Werner Herzog was working on a “reimagining” of Abel Ferrara’s “Bad Lieutenant,” my first reaction was “why?” I mean, it’s not like it’s a movie that necessarily has “remake” or “sequel” written all over it. Like most of Ferrara’s stuff, it’s a pretty singular work that doesn’t exactly scream out for a fresh set of eyes to reinterpret it. And Harvey Keitel’s performance — I mean, shit, how are you gonna top that? Hell, how are you gonna even come close to equaling it? Why try? What’s the point?

Well, there wouldn’t be any point. And Herzog knows that. And to his credit, he doesn’t even try to go that route. This new “Bad Lieutenant” only tangentially relates to the first in that it explores the same theme of a monumentally crooked and sleazy cop trying to crack a big case in the midst of a tremendous, and entirely self-inflicted, downward spiral in his life.? Apart from that, the two have nothing to do with each other. Gone are the obsessive visual and thematic references to Catholic iconography and catechism. The setting has been transposed from New York to a just post-Katrina New Orleans (well, technically the first scene takes place as the flood waters are rising, then we jump ahead six months,? into the city’s? “rebuilding” — and Dear Lord do I use that term loosely — period). Hell, even the main character has a different name, different set of life circumstances, different everything. In truth, the only reason I think Herzog stuck with the title is because otherwise audiences would have come out of the theater saying “you know, that one kinda reminded me of? ‘Bad Lieutenant’” — so by invoking the original so plainly he’s able to, at the very least ironically if not downright perversely, have this film taken as a more stand-alone work than if he had just called it something. File that under “go figure.” (And file this under “go figure,” as well — and probably of interest to absolute obsessives (who? me?) only (and it shouldn’t even be to us) — the title of this film in all the posters and other advertising is listed as “Bad Lieuteanant : Port of Call New Orleans,” while the opening credits read “The Bad Lieutenant Port Of Call : New Orleans.”)

The next thin your reviewer found a bit suspect in the pre-production stages, after wondering just why Herzog was even making this thing at all, was the casting of Nicolas Cage in the lead. Cage is a bit of an enigma, isn’t he? I mean, here’s a guy capable of delivering mind-blowingly good, once-in-a-generation performances in films like “Leaving Las Vegas,” “Lord of War” and “The Weatherman,” yet also of absolutely mailing it in, so to speak, in drivel like “Next” or the atrocious remake of “The Wicker Man.” In between the two poles we have his numerous stints as, either literally or essentially, a second-rate Elvis impersonator.

Needless to say, the end result on display here proves my worried were entirely groundless, as the best always are. Cage is in absolute top form here, giving arguably the very best performance of his entire career. He’s wiry, main, and absolutely seething with, to quote my own headline, visceral intensity. He doesn’t sweat whether or not he’s sometimes so frightfully over the top that his performance reaches caricature-like levels — hell no, instead of tiptoeing up to that metaphorical line in the sand, he rubs and smears it out with his shoe and stomps all over the spot where it used to be just for good measure. He’s absolutely fucking gone as? drugged-up, degenerate gambler (and, oh yes, cop) Terence McDonagh, and he doesn’t look back. Keep up with him if you can.

And herein lies another crucial difference between the two “Bad Lieutenant”s. In Ferrara’s version, Keitel is just completely foul. He’s not what you’d call charismatic or engaging in the least (not that I’m saying this is a bad thing, it’s exactly the type of performance that was absolutely required in the “first” film). He’s already lost. The central thematic question in the “original”, therefore, is whether or not a guy who’s absolutely beyond all hope of redemption can still find it, if not earn it, by bringing to justice the scumbags who brutally gang-rape a nun. And frankly, whether or not he even should since she’s already forgiven them herself. It’s taking place on an entirely different psychological playing field than Herzog’s film, because in this there is still some, God help me for thinking this but it’s true, likable insanity in Cage’s character. He’s got dangerous, maybe even death wish-style reckless charisma oozing out of him on a goddamn cellular level. In that respect, one could argue that this new “Bad Lieutenant” is somewhat more accessible than Ferrara’s version, because McDonagh still has enough (barely) on the ball to pull himself out of his living nightmare if he really wants to. But damn, with lines like ” I thought it was coke but it turned out to be heroin and I gotta be at work in an hour,” and “Shoot him again! His soul is still dancing!” you gotta wonder if he isn’t enjoying his ride to hell waaaayyyy too fucking much to stop the ride.

And that’s the brilliance (and I loathe the unearned overuse of that word way more than you can possibly imagine) of Cage’s performance here in a nutshell : he’s a coiled snake that you know will strike at any moment, and you can’t decide whether you’re dreading that or looking forward to it. Then you realize you’re doing both.

The nominal plot of the film itself concerns Cage’s investigation of a brutal execution-style murder of a family of Senegalese immigrants, but as with Ferrara’s earlier effort, Herzog here concentrates far more on the backdrop this story plays out in front of (or, more accurately given the focus here, behind) — that of McDonagh’s exhilarating and dreadful descent into madness. Our guy Terry does everything a bad cop oughtta do : shakes down suspects for cash and drugs, gets in gambling debt up his eyeballs, rips shit off from the police property room, smokes crack, snorts coke, drinks booze, skips out of town, runs a thoroughly crooked investigation, helps the bad guys, screws around on his girlfriend (who’s a hooker herself, played by Cindy Craw—err, Eva Mendes), and worse. And while he doesn’t consistently engage in the type of outright abusively soulless depravity that Keitel did in the “original,” he pulls off one stunt so hopelessly fucked-up-beyond-all-reason that even old Harvey would probably blush.

The decision to set the story in the ravaged post-Katrina Big Easy really pays dividends, as well. Not only is it thematically appropriate on a pretentious “film scholar” asshole level (rising metaphorical flood threatens to swallow main character ), but the overall atmosphere of a decimated Third World-style “law enforcement” operation (although from what I understand the New Orleans cops weren’t exactly famous for honesty and integrity pre-flood, either) gives ample narrative “breathing space”? (did I just badmouth pretentious “film scholar” assholes a minute ago? I should have read ahead to the point where I sounded just like one — except I hadn’t written it yet. But I digress — as regular readers of this blog, if any such creatures exist,? know I so often do) to the idea of a situation where a guy like McDonagh could actually get away with some of this shit. On a purely aesthetic level, I’ve gotta congratulate Herzog, as well, for his decision to shoot this movie on an apparently cheaper grade of film stock than normal. It gives the whole flick an added level of immediacy and realism that a slicker overall appearance just couldn’t maintain. It’s a grimy story about a grimy guy shot in a way that looks grimy. Well played, Werner.

The rest of the cast holds up pretty well, too. While I’m sure nobody was dying to see a reunion of the principal players in “Ghost Rider,” Mendes does a nice turn as McDonagh’s high-priced hooker/junkie girlfriend, Frankie, Cage’s fellow Elvis-worshiper Val Kilmer is solid as his almost-as-crooked-as-he-is onetime parner, now subordinate, Stevie, the always-underappreciated Vondie Curtis-Hall turns in a seasoned pro’s performance as McDonagh’s commanding officer, rapper Xzibit is seriously bad-ass awesome as crime boss “Big Fate,” the (again always) underappreciated Brad Dourif turns in another dead-on perfect (because he always is) portrayal, in this case as McDonagh’s understandably impatient small-time bookie Ned, solid vet Tom Bower puts in? a solid vet turn as Terance’s ex-cop, ex-alcoholic father, Pat, and the (stop me if you’ve heard this one before) always underapp—forget it, I won’t even go there, I’ll just say Jennifer Coolidge has deserved a best supporting actress Oscar a couple of times now (and no, I’m not talking about her turn as Stifler’s Mom, although she sure is a million miles away from MILF territory in this movie — truth be told, I was thinking specifically of her roles in the various Christopher Guest-helmed ensemble/improv comedies, particularly “Best In Show”) and she’s an absolute scene-stealer here as Pat’s still-alcoholic second wife, Genevieve.

So what we’ve got here, folks, is essentially the ultimate “bad cop” movie, and quite likely the best film of the year, period. It’s certainly going to take one hell of an effort to top it. Even Herzog’s usual, and frankly in other films sometimes jarring, asides into purely interpretative realms of surrealism (just what are the giant iguanas about? Each viewer will probably have a different explanation) work here since by the time he goes there, he’s already established such a forceful groove (do those two words seem incompatible together? I assure you they’re not) that you’re just willing to go with his frantically rushing flow.

And that’s it. I’m all out of praise to lavish on this movie. It grabs you from the word go and never lets up. It’s absolutely exhiliratingly debauched and I loved the hell out of it. All I can do at this point is tell you one more time? to rush right out and see it. But there’s no need for that because you already have. Right?

Friday 5 April 2013

ATi License Fast14 Technology For XBox 2

Intrinsity and ATI announced a licensing deal Thursday which could give ATI a performance edge in the competitive graphics IC market. Intrinsity, based here, has developed a form of dynamic logic, called Fast14, that it is licensing to ATI "for use in future consumer products." ATI believes that Fast14 technology can deliver up to four times the performance per silicon dollar when compared with standard design approaches. Intrinsity could not detail which markets would be targeted with the Fast14 logic. Microsoft would work with ATI on graphics technology for the next XBox video game machine. The licensing deal includes design services, EDA tools, and other intellectual property needed to implement dynamic logic. Historically, small portions of microprocessors have been hand-crafted with dynamic logic, which if properly implemented can run faster than static logic, although at somewhat higher power consumption.

Monday 1 April 2013

Apple to launch two new iPhone models

Moskowitz said that the upcoming iPhone will support GSM and CDMA, but not 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE), and that the iPhone 5 will be slimmer and lighter. Apple will also unveil the upgrade model of the iPhone 4 with a lower price tag and could be named iPhone 4+ or iPhone 4s. On top of that, the iPhone shipment will also rise in this quarter. Ending the third quarter in June, iPhone has reached 228 carriers which is an increase of 42 from last quarter, and shipments exceeding 20 million. With the joining of Sprint-Nextel, as well asthe upgraded model of the iPhone 4 that would be sold in China, Apple is expected to increase their shipment in Q4 this year.


Sunday 31 March 2013

Antec Unleashes KUHLER Shelf CPU Cooler

Antec, a name synonymous with performance PSU and PC chassis, has announced the KÜHLER Shelf CPU Cooler. Measuring 127 x 124 x 120mm and weighing 700g, it features seven copperheat-pipes, aluminum fins, and is bundled with a 120mm PWM fan. TheKÜHLER Shelf, fully compatible with all Intel LGA 1366, 1156, 775 andAMD Socket AM2, AM2+, AM3 processors, can now be purchased from authorizeddistributors and resellers in Australia at a MSRP of AUD 75.

News via [Techconnect]

Wednesday 27 March 2013

ASUS P552w Glide Enabled PDA Phone

ASUS today launched the ASUS P552w PDA phone which features Glide – aninnovative touch-responsive user interface that makes navigating and performingtasks on a mobile phone more intuitive and interactive than ever before.Equipped with a 624MHz processor and a host of market-leading features such as3.5G HSDPA connectivity, GPS and seamless Google integration*, the ASUS P552wPDA phone is a perfect fit for the rising tide of young, tech-savvyprofessionals who appreciate a good-looking mobile companion that packs a wealthof fun features and yet is no slouch when it comes to work.

Glide to a New Mobile Experience
Underpinning the ASUS P552w’s revolutionary touch-responsive user interface isits cutting-edge Gester technology that enables users to perform a variety ofnavigational actions – such as selecting, zooming, scrolling and flipping –easily through simple flicks of their fingers. Incorporated into Glide are alsoapplications that enable users to access a wide range of functions such aslooking up the latest news, checking the weather forecast, viewing photoslideshows and listening to music within a few finger taps. These applications,dubbed Multi-Home, Anytime Launcher, EziPhoto, and EziMusic, give the expression"the world at your fingertips" a whole new meaning.

Unprecedented Processing Power, Speed and Connectivity
The ASUS P552w boasts one of the most powerful CPUs (624MHz) on the markettoday. Apart from posting exceptional Vsbenchmark scores, the ASUS P552w’sreal-world results are equally tangible – applications and games run noticeablyfaster and video frame rates are markedly smoother. The ASUS P552w also features3.5G HSDPA (3.6Mbps) connectivity for the fastest Internet browsing, filesharing and TV program-streaming experience possible. Furthermore, it offersBluetooth, WLAN 802.11b/g, GPS, USB and other connectivity standards to enableeasy data transfers to and from other devices.

Deep Google Integration
The ASUS P552w features Google Maps* which not only facilitates navigation, butis capable of furnishing users with information on points of interest. The ASUSP552w’s navigation capabilities are further bolstered by a feature known as ASUSSMS Location Link. With this exclusive feature, users at two different locationscan locate each other easily by sending each other SMS messages. Clicking on theURLs which are automatically embedded in the sent messages will link the phonesup to Google Maps, which will then provide the users with clear directions onhow to get to each other’s positions. The ASUS P552w also features a convenientGoogle Search Bar on the Today screen that makes it easier to perform onlinequeries.

EziPhoto, EziMusic and Other Applications
The ASUS P552w comes preinstalled with applications that allow users to get aneasy handle on entertainment. The most exciting of these are EziPhoto andEziMusic. EziPhoto enables users to flip through their photo collection withtheir fingertips, akin to how they would with a real album. It also has aCalendar option which organizes and displays the thumbnails of photos users havetaken according to the dates in which they were snapped, allowing them to relivethose moments in chronological order at a single glance. EziMusic offers aninteractive interface – complete with exciting animations – for users to playand manage their music, performing each task with colorful aplomb. The ASUSP552w also houses applications that enable easy access to web content like RSSnewsfeeds, YouTube movies and photos on Flickr, ensuring that users have a fullcomplement of entertainment options to choose from while out of the house oroffice.

*Google Maps is only available for the following countries: Russia, France,Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark,UK, Taiwan, and China.
** Talk and standby time are dependent on the network environment and on phoneusage.

Availability: Mid Oct 2008